Pro Legends

Patrick William Groves

Patrick William Groves, born on August 20, 1868, was a Scottish footballer renowned for his accomplishments as a forward. With his exceptional skills and natural talent, Patrick left an indelible mark on the clubs and national team he represented. He showcased his abilities at Hibernian, Celtic, West Bromwich Albion, Aston Villa, and the Scottish national team, leaving a lasting legacy in each.

However, it was Patrick’s ground breaking transfer that cemented his place in football history. He achieved the distinction of being the first player ever to command a transfer fee surpassing £100.

This significant milestone not only reflected Patrick’s exceptional abilities but also marked a turning point in how football talent was valued. His pioneering transfer set a precedent and paved the way for future generations of players, forever shaping the landscape of football transfers and highlighting the ever-increasing worth of top-tier talent. Patrick William Groves’ legacy as a trailblazer continues to inspire footballers and fans alike, as his contributions to the beautiful game remain etched in history.

Willie Groves and his record Aston Villa deal (